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Dr. Stefano Consolati
Dr. Carl Kraus
Dipl.-VW. Erich Mair

Three texts on Egger-Lienz by Carl Kraus

Albin Egger-Lienz (1868–1926)

Albin Egger-Lienz (1868–1926)

Many labels have been attached to Albin Egger-Lienz: late historical painter, peasant painter, regional artist, blood and earth painter … What cannot be overlooked, however, is the fact that Egger, above all else, was continually searching for new forms of expression …

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Albin Egger-Lienz – The Nameless

Albin Egger-Lienz – The Nameless

World War I was not only fought with guns, cannons and bombs but also with an unprecedented flood of images … Within this “trench impressionism”, one artist stands out like an erratic rock with his paintings: Albin Egger-Lienz …

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Fundamental Life Story

Fundamental Life Story

He needs for his work … the entire circle of life: “Love (procreation), the mother, the children, the struggle, the regret and awareness … It is the mind of a painter who, inspired by the symbolist zeitgeist, wants to provide a setting for fundamental questions of existence through powerful images …

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